Tag family


I took a hiatus. Originally, it wasn’t a hiatus; it was the end. But it turned into a hiatus when I realized that taking a long time off from writing could not be permanent.

So here l am again, getting used to a new laptop with a very sensitive keyboard that causes me to make a typo with every other word. Frustrating, but it’s a learning curve.

Here is what happened while I was gone:

  • My hair turned white
  • I took up pottery; I am getting minorly proficient
  • I stopped vacuuming so often
  • I became addicted to crime shows
  • I realized that the crime shows are shams, because the murderer is always the spouse or boyfriend/girlfriend
  • I did my own nails for a year, then realized they looked terrible; so I went back to the salon
  • I got “old people skin”
  • Crepe Erase does not work; don’t buy it
  • I became a “Swiftie”
  • Travis Kelce is a hunk
  • Thank God for Taylor, who made granny underpants stylish again
  • We eat so many chickpeas it’s ridiculous, but at our age, it’s the fiber, baby
  • I read at least two books a week, but never remember the book title, the author, and in most cases, the plot
  • I spend way too much time on social media, thus I have no attention span whatsoever
  • My favorite Taylor Swift song is “The Man”
  • I am afraid to use emojis, in case they don’t mean what I think they mean
  • Don’t call anybody, for God’s sake, TEXT THEM
  • I binge watch everything

Stay tuned. I will be showing up regularly!